Originally, the vet prescribed 6 months of home-cooked dog food. She said that along with the supplements Seeley was on, his body had a good chance of getting rid of the toxins in his system. Also, a dog shouldn’t eat home-cooked food for longer than that without a nutritional supplement. Over that 6-month period, I noticed differences in Seeley that made me want to keep going.
First, he was so hydrated from the moisture in home-cooked food that he rarely drank any water. It was amazing! It makes sense to me now, ya know? If all he ever ate was dried-out food, then of course he’d need to drink a lot of water.
A year or two before this, I worked with a nutritionist and doctors to get a handle on my health. Doing the work to become healthier for me, really helped me figure this out for him. The Second benefit for Seeley is that I knew exactly what he was eating. I knew that the raw ingredient quality was the same as it would be for me. I knew how to find the foods that worked for him.
The third benefit of feeding him home-cooked dog food is a benefit for me. EVERY time I feed him, he’s so excited that he starts drooling as I’m making his bowl. Even all these years later. It makes my heart so happy to know that he enjoys his new diet as much as I enjoy knowing he’s getting the best from me. I don’t worry about recalls, gross ingredients that I don’t even want to read the definition of, dehydration, slow build-up of toxins, and which commercial brand of food to buy him just to name a few.
Peeps, he’s my family. So, I feed him as I would myself or anyone else. Check out my offers and start your journey today.